Guidelines For Reviewer

  1. Reviewers are responsible for conducting scientific criticism through reading and evaluating texts in a specific field of subject, then providing constructive advice and feedback to the author on the articles submitted
    2. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of an article, then try to help to improve the strength and quality of the text.

    Before the review process:
    1. Check whether the article matches with your field of subject
    2. Do you have time to review the article?
    3. Is there a Conflict of Interest?.

Review Process:
1. Title: has the article been illustrated?
2. Abstract: has it reflected the contents of the article?
3. Introduction: have you described the accuracy of the material submitted in the article?
4. The introduction must summarize the context in accordance with the research, explaining the findings in the research. Must explain experiments, hypotheses and methods
5. Method: comprehensive and complete Has the author clearly described how data is collected? Is the theoretical basis enough to be used in the study? Is the amount of sampling enough? Is there a new method?
6. Results: Research must be able to explain the findings in his research. Is the analysis clear? Use of statistical tools? 
7. Discussion: Does the writer compare with the results of previous studies. Are the results contradictory to previous theories? 
8. Conclusion: does it explain how better research can be done at the next stage?.